Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the deal

I've been thinking about starting some kind of blog to write about music for a while now. Today at dinner with some friends I was talking about it and I realized there was no reason not to go ahead and do it. As for reasons to do it, I have a few. School is out (I'm getting my masters in media studies and just finished my first year) so I have some time on my hands and could use an excuse to practice my writing. I'm also getting started with my thesis, which is going to be about...well, it's kind of hard to explain, but it's going to involve music blogs. Somehow it seemed appropriate to do some blogging about music myself, particularly in a context where I might be putting down some preliminary thoughts about my thesis and (hopefully) seeing how people respond to them.

So I'll probably be explaining (or trying to explain) my thesis idea here and talking about stuff relating to it, but I'm not confining myself to that. The only rule I'm setting is that I'll try to write every day and that it'll be something relating to music, but that's it. It might seem kind of silly to make these rules but I think it'll be a good exercise. I could always change my mind, anyways. Oh, and right now my plan is just to keep up this daily posting through the summer, until my classes start up again. I can't really say for sure what I'll end up doing, if I'll make it through the summer, if I'll keep this going in some form after that, but for now that's my plan.

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